
How to Automatically Rename Files in Google Drive with Apps Script and AI


Google Drive is a powerful cloud storage platform that allows users to store, access, and share files from anywhere. With its integration with Apps Script and AI, users can automate various tasks, including file renaming. In this blog post, we will explore how to automatically rename files in Google Drive using Apps Script and AI.

Why Automate File Renaming?

Renaming files manually in Google Drive can be laborious and time-consuming, particularly when managing large quantities of files. By automating the process, you can save valuable time and ensure consistent naming conventions for your files.

Getting Started

To get started, you will need a Google account and basic knowledge of Apps Script. Apps Script is a scripting platform developed by Google that allows you to extend the functionality of various Google products, including Google Drive.

Once you have your Google account and are familiar with Apps Script, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Google Apps Script project by going to and clicking on “New Project”.
  2. Give your project a name and click on “Create”.
  3. In the Apps Script editor, delete the default code and replace it with the following code:
function renameFiles() {
  var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById("your_folder_id");
  var files = folder.getFiles();
  while (files.hasNext()) {
    var file =;
    var newName = generateNewName(file.getName());

function generateNewName(oldName) {
  // Implement your renaming logic here
  // You can use AI algorithms to generate new names based on file content, metadata, or other criteria
  // For simplicity, we will use a basic renaming logic in this example
  var newName = "New Name - " + oldName;
  return newName;

Replace “your_folder_id” with the ID of the folder containing the files you want to rename. This ID can be found in the URL of the folder when you open it in Google Drive.

The renameFiles function iterates through all the files in the specified folder and calls the generateNewName function to generate a new name for each file. You can customize the generateNewName function to implement your own renaming logic using AI algorithms or any other criteria.

Running the Script

Once you have added the code to the Apps Script editor, follow these steps to run the script:

  1. Save the script by clicking on the floppy disk icon or by pressing Ctrl + S.
  2. Click on the play button or go to “Run” and select “renameFiles”.
  3. Grant the necessary permissions for the script to access your Google Drive.

The script will now run and automatically rename all the files in the specified folder according to your renaming logic.

Customizing the Renaming Logic

The example code provided uses a basic renaming logic by prefixing “New Name – ” to the original file name. However, you can customize the generateNewName function to implement more advanced renaming logic.

For example, you can use AI algorithms to analyze the content or metadata of the file and generate a new name based on its characteristics. This could include extracting keywords, identifying patterns, or even translating the name into a different language.


Automating file renaming in Google Drive with Apps Script and AI can save you time and ensure consistent naming conventions for your files. By customizing the renaming logic, you can implement advanced algorithms to generate meaningful and descriptive names for your files.

Experiment with different renaming strategies and explore the capabilities of Apps Script and AI to streamline your file management process in Google Drive.


Sanjeev, an experienced SEO Expert based in Delhi, boasts years of proficiency in the digital marketing arena. He frequently contributes guest posts to Techy Skill, and you can explore their informative blog for additional insights.

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